Great compassion is the root of all forms of worship. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. Dalai LamaRead More
Thomas Merton once said that the spiritual life is essentially to love. One doesn’t love in order to do what is good or to help or to protect someone. If we act that way, we are perceiving the other as a simple object, and we are seeing ourselves as wise and generous persons. This has...Read More
The heart is an unerring compass within each one of you. The heart knows the soul better than the mind does… The only path that is right for you is the one that is already designed within you. To find this path you have to hear your own heart. There simply is no other way....Read More
I go into the Muslim mosque And the Jewish Synagogue And the Christian Church, And I see one altar From the verse on his tomb Jelaluddin RumiRead More
Letter From God
This letter speaks of God’s eagerness and hunger for us to come to know and love God. It also embraces the truth that each and every one of us is a belovéd child of God Who ever seeks us out and loves us dearly.